Thursday 11 December 2014

First Edit


After receiving audience feedback I made the alterations necessary to create a decent first edit. Although looking back at this edit there is a significant amount of improvements I could make to create a professional and effective music video.

After creating the first draft I think that to get a fresh look I should not watch it for a week. By decreasing the attachment I can highlight flaws and be more relaxed about finding solutions.

18th December 2014
Main areas of improvement: 
  • The opening credits are in a sans serif font in the same style as Matthew P's logo but I feel that this style isn't similar enough and that I might have to recreate a font extremely similar to the one the artist uses to create continuity and brand recognition. 
  • During my hot desk exercise I found that the feedback found that in some places the busker looked "miserable" and that after reviewing the footage myself I find that I will need to reshoot segments. I will go and reshoot and then fit in the new segments ready for my second draft.
  • Reviewing the first draft after a week I realize that some parts of the music video look out of place. I feel that some segments could be edited to the beat slightly better or would increase the fluency if they were shorter or longer.

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