Tuesday 17 March 2015

Matthew P On Top - Fifth Edit

Above I have completed the alterations suggested by my focus group. I used the Saturation tool in the Three-Way Colour Corrector to decrease the intensity of the blue. I did this for the beginning section to add a more dull and overcast atmosphere but left the 'finding' of the note at its original intensity to match the happy, sunny surroundings.

Watching this I have decided to review the music video and decide on possibly weaker parts of the music video that need adapting and editing,

  1. There is a close up of the girls eye edited in at 0:22. I feel this disrupts the fluency and the pace of editing. It also looks over-edited and unnatural. 
  2. For the "oo ooo" parts at 1:11 I feel that the singer has his eyes squinting which doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing.
  3. During the string pluck at 1:15 I feel that the video clips and editing doesn't match the pace of the song. This is quite obvious as the majority of the video is edited according to the rhythm of the track.
  4.   Again the shot of the singer/songwriter lip syncing "of anything" 1:41 is squinting which doesn't look very attractive and disrupts the eye to eye contact/relationship between the singer/songwriter and the viewer.

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