Thursday 19 March 2015

Matthew P Feedback

I messaged the artist to inquire about any possible feedback that he could give. Below is the feedback he suggested.

  • Matthew P suggested that maybe there were a few too many beach huts on the digipak. Although I can see why he thought this I feel like this is an important and strong motif that connects a house style. In my audience feedback there was a positive reaction to the beach huts and these are more valid opinions as these are the consumers. The way I presented the digipak to the artist could have brought on this opinion as they were all seen next to one another. In reality the panels would mostly be presented individually and there wouldn't be these overwhelming consistent imagery of beach huts.
  • It appears that Matthew P prefers more conceptual videos (Lynch) and at this stage this is one factor I cannot change. Although I feel that the demographic will still enjoy it (as supported by my focus group), this feedback is more the artists preference and in hindsight maybe I should have had more communication with the artist to produce a video that he would have preferred. Although I felt that the song fits a narrative better and that the demographic would've preferred this.

Sadly for this reason I won't adapt the suggested improvements. Although it's important to get the artist's input, I feel that some of these adjustments would be too drastic and would affect the house style. Yet I feel this doesn't affect the product too drastically as there was still positive feedback from the demographic.  

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