Friday, 6 March 2015

Specified Focus Group Planning

I will aim for my focus group to be a maximum of 15 minutes in total.


1. I will hand out a copy of the ancillary product to each participant first and let them organise and explore the products. (2 minutes)
2. Ask questions relevant to ancillary products. (5 minutes)
  • What genre do you associate with the ancillary products? Why do you pick up this genre? (If the answer isn't singer/songwriter) How could I make it clear that these products belong to this genre?
  • Would you purchase the digipak from seeing the ancillary products? Why?
  • Looking at the digipak would you feel like they go well together? Do you sense a brand identity? Despite the difference in images can you connect the two products? Why?
  • So you've paid £10 for the digipak, this includes; a CD of 12 tracks, thank you letter from the artist, booklet of lyrics and extra images. Do you feel like you would be getting your money's worth? Why?
  • How would you improve these products? Are you drawn to them?  
3. Present Music Video (3 minutes)
4. Ask questions relevant to music video. (5 minutes)
  • Do you feel that the music video flows well? Is there anything I could improve on?
  • Do you enjoy the music video?
  • Does the lip syncing appear to be synced to you?
  • Is there a connection between the music video and the ancillary products?
  • Is there a connection between the music video, ancillary products and the song?
I have added time estimations on each question. This is a rough idea on how much time I should spend on each question, but I will not interrupt if I have a discussion developed. I won't take notes during the session. This will hold up the process and add a formality. Instead I will have two camera's recording and one voice recorder so I will have three sources of the audience feedback to refer back to. I want to keep the conversation informal and relaxed so the participants feel at ease and give information. I also want there to be a formal element so the responses are sensible and make sense.


I have booked the Alpha Room in the Start Up Lounge. This features a projector to show my music video on, a group of tables to allow the participants to lean on while writing and sit together as a collaboration (to encourage feedback and discussion among them) and a flip camera to record on. I have booked this room for Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 1pm but I don't intend the focus group to start until 1:10 to allow set up and preparation (setting out pens, paper and ancillary products).

I will also inform the participants to write notes which I will collect in at the end to read and analyse.

Below is the booking reference for the alpha room in the start up lounge.

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